Employee Spotlight: Maggie Rizzacasa

Maggie Rizzacasa started at Financial Recovery Technologies six years ago as the second hire on the Client Services team and opened our New York office in 2013. Today, she is a Senior Account Manager responsible for serving as the day-to-day contact for some of FRT’s largest and most sophisticated clients.

What are your top priorities?

My top priority is to ensure every one of my clients receives the level of service and support they were promised during the sales process. It is my goal to understand what made each client choose us as their class action provider and learn what they’re looking for in a vendor partnership. Once I know that, I can act as a smart filter for them. I focus on putting the right information in front of clients at the right time to create a feeling of tailored client service vs. generic customer support.

What does your typical day look like?

I like to start with organizing my inbox. I use my inbox as a to-do list, so anything that’s in there requires a follow up or investigation on my end. I usually have a meeting or two on the schedule. I know it is best practice to do big project-based work first and save emails for the end of the day, but that is more challenging in a client-facing role. I also prefer to save my project work for the afternoon because my projects tend to be writing-intensive and I find I’m better able to concentrate on that later in the day.

What brought you to FRT and what keeps you here?

FRT’s CEO Rob Adler hired me at a Boston tech startup in 2009. That company offered a completely different product for a totally different market (software for small business owners), but there was enough overlap between the roles that Rob thought of me when he was looking to add to the team in 2013. The opportunity was exciting, and the timing couldn’t have been better, so I was happy to come on-board.

I’ve stayed at FRT because I truly enjoy my clients and the flexibility I’ve been given here. Since I live and work in my territory, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of my clients in-person and develop lasting relationships.

What is FRT doing to ensure they are adapting to the changing landscape of the class action industry while continuing to meet the needs of current and future clients?

FRT is hiring strategically to keep pace with the changes in our industry. In addition to bringing on more hires to handle increased volume around data acquisition and claims filing, we’re also creating focused roles specific to areas where we anticipate growth and where we want to stay ahead of our competitors.

The way we’ve built up our in-house legal team stands as a good example of this hiring strategy. We’ve created a legal research team dedicated to understanding antitrust settlements and non-US group litigation mechanisms.  These are two relatively new areas of opportunity for investor recovery and our team is well-positioned to help clients understand their options and maximize their recoveries in these types of litigation.

What is your biggest achievement to date at FRT?

I wrote our team’s first handbook in 2015. It covered everything from our different product lines to click-by-click instructions for handlings various daily tasks. The first cut was 80 pages long. It is very rewarding to be able to say I wrote the book on how to do my job.

How do you define success?

Success to me is being satisfied with where your own efforts have gotten you. It is less about having a particular job title or amount of money, but I believe it requires an element of “making it on your own.” If you’re standing on your own two feet and you’re happy with where you are, or working toward improving your lot, that’s pretty good.

What advice do you have for someone considering a career at FRT in Client Services?

Think about whether you really want to work at a young company on a high-growth trajectory. The work can be energizing and rewarding for the right type of person, but it can easily overwhelm someone who isn’t used to the face paced work environment or isn’t comfortable with too much change too quickly.

Learn More

For more information on what our employees have to say about their experiences with FRT, check out our careers page.

About FRT


Founded in 2008, Financial Recovery Technologies (FRT) is a leading technology-based services firm that helps the investment community identify eligibility, file claims and collect funds made available in securities and other class action settlements. Offering the most comprehensive range of claim filing and monitoring services available, we provide best-in-class eligibility analysis, disbursement auditing and client reporting, and deliver the highest level of accuracy, accountability and transparency available. For more information, go to www.frtservices.com.

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