Opt-In Service Benefits

Stay informed of every global recovery opportunity.
Get Unbiased Legal Expertise

Get Unbiased Legal Expertise

From our independent in-house legal team providing ongoing support and custom research
Make Informed Decisions

Make Informed Decisions

Based on our actionable unbiased opportunity analysis detailing case eligibility and the required steps for participation in each country and case organizer
Take a Global View

Take a Global View

With our expert insight into group actions across jurisdictions and the local players involved, with case comparisons for actions with competing organizers
Never Miss an Opportunity

Never Miss an Opportunity

Receive alerts with detailed case information for all active non-US jurisdictions

Client Portal

Get a consolidated and transparent view into your firm’s class action eligibility, filing, and recovery status, across the full claims management lifecycle.

Login Discover Our Solutions

A dedicated process for global opt-in recovery

Automated monitoring and research matched with expert data analysis and participation advice

  1. Monitor: Monitor group litigation and settlement opportunities through our proprietary global network of litigation organizers and global case database
  2. Identify: Identify recovery opportunities which your firm is eligible for based on normalized holding positions and trading data
  3. Analyze: Analyze losses and damage calculations to help you make an independent decision regarding participation
  4. Facilitate: Facilitate the case participation process and provides ongoing research and support
  5. Recover: Recover funds, verify accuracy and remit funds to our clients
Download Our Global Opt-In Monitoring Service Factsheet

What We Do

Securities Class Actions
Automated solution to identify eligibility, file claims, and collect funds in North American securities class action settlements
Monitoring, in-depth global case insight, and recovery assistance into Antitrust, Commodity Exchange Act and other non-securities litigations
Case support, facilitation, and recovery in low-risk jurisdictions outside of North America including Australia, Dutch Foundations in the Netherlands, UK Compensation Schemes
Insight and in-depth case analysis into strategic US opt-out cases
Claims Monetization
Monetize the value of a liquidating fund's outstanding and future claims by allowing FRT to purchase the rights

Who We help

Asset Managers
Streamline and automate your claims monitoring and recovery program
Asset Owners
Simplify global claims recovery
Hedge Funds
Maximize your class action recovery
Wealth Managers
Automate recovery, conserve resources, and grow clients
Meet your clients’ strategic governance goals