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FRT Insights Industry News
Proposed Class Action for ‘Odd-Lot’ U.S. Corporate Bonds Offers Promise of Future Antitrust Payouts
Antitrust litigation shows no sign of slowing down. In Q1 2020 alone, FRT filed claims in three antitrust case settlements including FX...
About FRT
Employee Spotlight: Ruth Hurwitz
As the Director of Professional Development & Administration, Ruth Hurwitz utilizes her extensive background to connect FRT...
FRT FAQs: Antitrust Recovery
1. How are Antitrust cases different from settled class action? While settled Security r Class Actions and Antitrust matters may...
Case Spotlight
Lessons Learned from the First Settlement of the GSE Bonds Antitrust Case ($49.5M)
U.S. antitrust suits alleging abuses by investment banks around FOREX, LIBOR, and other benchmark rates have recovered billions of...

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Case Spotlight
Case Spotlight: Kobe Steel
[table id=55 /] CASE BACKGROUND On October 8, 2017, Kobe admitted to falsifying test data regarding product strength and durability...
Case Spotlight
Case Spotlight: BRF S.A.
[table id=54 /] CASE BACKGROUND On March 17, 2017, BRF’s offices were raided by Brazilian Authorities following a multi-year...