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FRT Insights US Settled
Investors Recovered $7B in 2024: What Did We Learn? [On-Demand Webinar]
Last year, shareholders recouped more than $7 billion from a mix of securities class actions, antitrust cases, and global litigation –...
Antitrust Case Spotlight
‘But-For’ Modeling in the Stock Lending Class Action Settlements
In an earlier piece about the upcoming claims administration for the $581M+ partial settlement of the antitrust class action involving...
Antitrust Case Spotlight
Further Thoughts on the Stock Lending Settlement
Previously, I wrote about the upcoming claims administration for the $581M+ partial settlement of the antitrust class action involving...

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Antitrust Case Spotlight
Stock Lending Settlements: If “Interested”, Capitalize Now For Returns Later
Two partial settlements, in the Stock Lending Class Action,[1] totaling $581M were recently preliminarily approved by the US District...
Antitrust Global Recovery US Settled
FRT Insights: Global Securities Class Action Landscape – 2023 Mid-Year Review
Download our proprietary report analyzing the mid-year 2023 global recovery landscape. By understanding historical data and the current...
Case Spotlight Global Recovery
Case Spotlight: Mexican Government Bonds Antitrust Settlement
  Case Background: The District Court preliminarily approved a $20.7M partial settlement of federal antitrust and common law...