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FRT Insights Whitepapers and Reports
FRT Insights Report: Analyzing the Administration of Class Action Settlement Funds
Administering claims is an integral part of the securities litigation proceedings that gets little attention relative to the legal...
Case Spotlight FRT Insights
Case Spotlight: Will the proposed Kraft Heinz settlement ‘cut the mustard’ with investors?
Hot dog! On May 11, 2023, the court granted preliminary approval of a $450 million cash settlement of the securities class action...
Case Spotlight FRT Insights
Non-Standard Case Spotlight: Credit Suisse Bondholder Administrative Appeal
Following the March 19, 2023, decision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) fully writing down their value (the...
Case Spotlight FRT Insights
Non-Standard Case Spotlight: Holders of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank Debt Instruments
On February 1, 2013, the Dutch government nationalized SNS REAAL to avoid its insolvency and to stabilize financial markets. On March 1,...

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FRT Insights
Securities Class Actions Settlements and SEC Fair Funds: What’s the Difference?
Securities class action settlements and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Fair Funds look similar. Both involve compensation to...
FRT Insights
Artificial Intelligence Trading Bots – Can They Impede an Investor’s Ability to Recover for Securities Claims?
In the past few years, artificially-intelligent “trading bots” have entered the market and begun executing securities transactions...