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Global Recovery Governance & Regulations
Delay of PACCAR-Reversal Bill Extends U.K. Litigation Funding Uncertainty
Article co-authored by Kaitlyn Kugel Shortly after the UK Supreme Court’s decision in the PACCAR case, [1] we wrote about its...
Case Spotlight Global Recovery
Non-Standard Case Spotlight: Holders of SNS REAAL and SNS Bank Debt Instruments
On February 1, 2013, the Dutch government nationalized SNS REAAL to avoid its insolvency and to stabilize financial markets. On March 1,...
Governance & Regulations
Jumping on the SPAC train? Not so fast. Securities litigation is on the rise.
While the last two years will likely be remembered mainly for the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the globe, many in the financial space will...
Case Spotlight Global Recovery
Case Spotlight: Steinhoff Settlement Approaching Final Approval
Case Background  Steinhoff International Holdings NV (“SIHNV”) is a global investment company that engaged in the manufacture...
Case Spotlight Global Recovery
Case Spotlight: Steinhoff Nearly Doubles Settlement Offer
Summary: The revelation of accounting irregularities led to a 90% fall in Steinhoff’s share price. Proposed class action...
Case Spotlight
Case Spotlight: Wirecard (Ernst & Young Action)
Case Background: On June 25, 2020, Wirecard AG filed for liquidation in one of Germany’s biggest financial scandals to date....
Global Recovery Governance & Regulations
Australian Federal Court Rejects Exclusion of Non-Resident Shareholders from Class Actions
On June 3, 2021, the full Federal Court of Australia (the “Full Court”) affirmed a single judge’s rejection of an attempt by BHP...