[ WEBINAR TRANSCRIPT ] Understanding Shareholder Loss Estimates in Non-U.S. Securities Litigation

“When the models differ, comparing loss estimates is like comparing apples to oranges. It complicates decision making around case registration, and FRT is spending more and more time helping clients understand variances and the reason for them.”

– Mike Lange, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Litigation

Gain insight into:

  • How are losses calculated in the U.S? How can you use loss estimates to determine your portion of the settlement fund?
  • How do damage calculations for antitrust litigation differ from typical securities class action settlements?
  • What are the adopted methodologies in non-US established jurisdictions including Australia and Japan? How does the method for calculating damages impact your ability to recover?
  • In non-US jurisdictions, what methods are used to calculate loss estimation when there is little legal precedent? Why do organizers’ estimates differ and why does it matter?
  • Where do loss estimates come into play in the full life cycle of a securities litigation?