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FRT Insights – Quarterly Newsletter – July 2020
This quarter, we highlight the growing complexities of the global securities and non-securities class action landscape and how investors...
Claims Monetization Investment Operations
COVID-19’s Impact on the Securities Class Action Landscape: Fund Closures and Next Steps
Recent market volatility and financial market dislocations arising from COVID-19 have led to an increase in fund closings and as...
FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending July 10, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...

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Global Recovery Governance & Regulations
Jurisdiction Profile: Italy
Italy is both hospitable and inhospitable to shareholder claims. On the one hand, courts seem to value private...
Claims Monetization Investment Operations
Securities Class Action Cases: Quarterly Disbursed Claims – Q2-2020
In Q2-2020, over $811 million of settlement funds were distributed across 23 settlements, a 38% increase from Q1-2020. For more...
Investment Operations
Many Rivers to Cross: How Wealth & Retail Firms are Navigating this New World Order
In March, the global pandemic came into this country like a lion but unfortunately has yet to go out like a lamb. American society—our...