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Employee Spotlight: JiYoun Seo
JiYoun Seo is a Data Analyst on the Case Specialist team and has been an asset to FRT throughout her six-and-a-half-year tenure. After...
Global Recovery Governance & Regulations
Jurisdiction Update: Recent Amendments in China Permit Class Actions
In China, the Supreme People’s Court recently passed amendments permitting investor class actions. This follows increased crackdowns...
Global Recovery
Evolution of Global Opt-In Litigation
In non-U.S. opt-in matters, book builds can extend over long time periods - sometimes years - particularly where there are several...

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FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending August 14, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...
FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending August 7, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...
Three Antitrust Cases to Keep On Your Radar
The pace of antitrust settlements continues to accelerate. U.S. suits against investment banks have already recovered billions of...