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FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending September 25, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...
FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending September 18, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...
Global Recovery Governance & Regulations
FRT FAQs: Opt-In Monitoring
1. What is an Opt-In Action? Opt-In shareholder litigation primarily involves cases brought outside of the United States in which the...

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FRT’s Fast Five: Week Ending September 11, 2020
Financial Recovery Technologies Fast Five provides you with the top news in shareholder class actions. Stay up-to-date on the latest...
Global Recovery
Scotland: The Latest Country to Embrace Class Actions
On July 31, 2020, Scotland implemented a new legal mechanism for group proceedings. The ‘opt-in’ class actions represent a hybrid...
[ PODCAST ] Episode 1 ― Antitrust Case Spotlight: LIBOR Eurodollar
This settlement addresses the Exchange-Based Plaintiffs, who transacted in Eurodollar futures contracts and options on Eurodollar...