
FRT has been actively monitoring the ongoing Stock Lending Antitrust Litigation. The court has preliminarily approved two partial settlements totaling $580 million. With a claims filing deadline of July 8, 2024, investors should begin gathering the necessary data today for this opportunity ($580 million settlement).

Given the scope of the stock lending market and the age/length of the class period, we have already started working with our clients to begin gathering necessary data.


Stock Lending Antitrust Litigation: Key Challenges

  • We expect data gathering and claim preparation to be particularly challenging due to inconsistencies in the designations of stock loan transactions.
  • Non-US domiciled claimants will be required to establish a nexus between their stock loan transaction and the US.
  • The claim form includes non-standard fields such as counterparty identification, value of posted collateral, determining whether transaction loan costs were expressed as a rebate or fee, among other complexities.