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FRT Acquires Financial Market Data Services
Acquisition Strengthens FRT’s Product Suite and Management Team Financial Recovery Technologies, LLC (FRT), a leader in securities...
India introduces class actions
The Indian Parliament has just passed a new bill that will replace the 57-year-old Companies Act by introducing class action suits into...
Fiduciary Settlements LTD. selects FRT as partner to offer class action recovery solutions
Agreement Provides Institutional Investors with Access to World-Class Recovery Services Financial Recovery Technologies LLC (FRT), a...
EU recommends class actions to member states
As the scope of securities group actions continues to expand globally, many countries are exploring ways to model itself after the U.S....
Court decides Bernanke should testify in A.I.G. securities class action
The unusual aspects of the A.I.G litigation being brought against the U.S. by the company’s former chief executive keep on getting a...
The hidden value of securities class action merger cases
When it comes to securities class actions involving a merger case, it’s not always “what you see is what you get.” Merger cases...
Hong Kong one step closer to introducing class actions
In November of 2012, the Hong Kong Department of Justice announced it would create a working group to study and consider introducing a...
France to allow class action lawsuits
The French have been debating the introduction of class actions for some time, and the country is now a step closer to making it a...
Recent decision in IMAX could limit Canada’s appeal for global class actions
The scope of securities class actions extends beyond the borders of the U.S., and our neighbors to the north have been quite active in...
Not all securities class actions are easy to track
Every now and then there are high profile securities class action cases that get a lot of publicity, like the recent settlements by Bank...