Securities class action settlement services benefit more than just institutional investors

The total number of securities class action lawsuits has been rising steadily. Every year, more and more settlement dollars are made available for affected investors to recover, yet the majority of the beneficial owners fail to file claims. While individuals in the field of finance are likely to be familiar with securities class action notices, there are many organizations that are not aware of how significant the total value of funds available to them actually are. More importantly, even fewer organizations are aware of how a class action settlement service can ensure all eligible settlement funds are claimed while freeing up valuable company resources.

Most class action settlement services cater to specific types of institutional investors, such as hedge funds or investment management firms. While many of Financial Recovery Technologies’ (FRT) clients fall into these industry segments, the firm helps many other types of institutional investors as well. Some of FRT’s less traditional segments include higher education endowment funds, public and private pension funds, mutual funds, as well as funds for local labor unions. Each of these have the potential of recovering settlements funds on the scale of large institutional investors.

Two of FRT’s less typical clients include the pension fund for a Fortune 500 company and the endowment fund of a leading private university. FRT was able to determine the recognized loss (the key metric for recoveries) for each client after comparing the clients’ transaction histories with FRT’s global settlement database of all past and present class action litigations. In the case of corporation’s pension fund, FRT identified $18,783,785 of recognized loss. For the university endowment fund, $5,633,873 was identified as recognized loss. These recognized losses are a good indication that both clients are likely entitled to large settlement fund disbursements as a result of filing claims for securities class actions that relate to their historical portfolio holdings.

Along with servicing traditional segments of the institutional investor arena, FRT continues to expand its services offerings to meet the needs in other segments of the industry. With approaches to fit almost any business model and size, FRT’s services may be the best option to help you recover the settlement funds you rightfully deserve.

Contact us today to speak to someone about how your organization could benefit from a partnership with Financial Recovery Technologies.